Newsletter February 2024

Our newsletters are designed to inform our clients and contacts about the latest issues and updates regarding insolvency, bankruptcy, and business management. Our February newsletter incorporates the following articles: Read the full Newsletter: February 2024 Newsletter Don’t wait until it’s too […]

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RBA Economic Snapshot December 2023 

Presented by Jones Partners  Inflation: 5.4 per cent  Core inflation continues to slowly decline. Reasonable progress has been made since the March peak of 7.8 per cent.  Inflation will likely stay above target for longer than initially anticipated, requiring interest […]

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Personal Insolvency Statistics

Presented by Jones Partners  2023-2024 Projections and Observed Numbers   The above graph depicts the projected increase in personal insolvencies for 2023 and 2024. AFSA were predicting a significant increase for the 2022-2023 FY, with a forecast of 15,000 incidents of […]

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Corporate Insolvency Statistics

Presented by Jones Partners  (Statistics obtained by ASIC website)  © Australian Securities & Investments Commission  Corporate Insolvency Trends  The above statistics show a comparison between 2022, 2023 and base level (the average of 2017, 2018, 2019), highlighting the total numbers […]

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