(Trustee Appointment under Section 66G of the Conveyancing Act 1919)

Do you act for or are you a co-owner of real estate (residential, commercial or industrial) and cannot resolve the dispute in a fair and reasonable manner? It may also be a consideration in a Deceased Estate that has become protracted due to continued occupation of a relative. At times it can also be a useful option in protracted and / or difficult relationship breakdowns.

We are regularly appointed to act as Trustees in real estate disputes and have a depth of experience in this field which is drawn from our capabilities and external resource network developed predominantly in the bankruptcy field.

Appointment of a Trustee is usually made in respect of an application to the Court by one of the joint owners of real estate, outlining the nature of the dispute with the other co-owner so that a Trustee can be appointed to take charge regarding the sale of the real estate.

Taking possession of the real estate makes the sale process easier. Any secured debts and the costs of sale are paid out on settlement and the resulting surplus is then held on statutory trust for the co-owners.

Call us now on +61 2 9251 5222 to arrange a no obligation discussion to help you with a strategy to unlock the value in your real estate.

Why we are trusted by clients

We take the time
to listen

We listen first and then act. Helping you is our first priority.

Helping you regain control

Control of your finances, your business and your life.

A client focused approach to Insolvency

Our role is to earn your trust and so you know you have someone on your side.