Alcohol Export Company

Michael Jones

The Matter

  1. The Company exported alcohol all around the world including Africa, Singapore, Europe and United States.
  2. Upon our appointment the Director and the Company were being investigated for fraud allegations on claiming excessive alcohol rebates by the Australian Federal Police (AFP).
  3. All of the Company’s books and records were seized and the Company’s accounts frozen prior to our appointment by the AFP. We therefore held no funds on appointment.
  4. Once appointed we became aware of containers of alcohol previously exported by the Company either on the water to their destination or stuck at shipping ports around the world.
  5. Majority of these ongoing shipments, delivery costs were not yet paid the customers had yet to pay for the stock.

The Resolution

  1. Without the books and records our staff were still able to collate a list of active containers on the water and at ports around the world.
  2. My staff contacted each interested party in the containers and organised for shipping costs and costs of goods to be paid in advance. Delivery of those goods to each purchaser was then successfully organised.
  3. This ensured that businesses around the world that were relying on the stock were still able to trade from the expected stock.

The Outcome

  1. The interested parties retained their business without interruption.
  2. There are significant funds to enable a deep investigation and a return to creditors.